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A Workspace in Decipad is a central hub for collaboration and organization. It’s where you can manage your notebooks and collaborate with team members.

Organize & Manage Notebooks

Within a Workspace, you can create sections to categorize and organize your notebooks effectively and utilize the search functionality to quickly find notebooks based on keywords or titles.

  • Add Sections: Click on + New Section in the workspace sidebar. Drag and drop notebooks into sections to categorize them.
  • Archive a Notebook: Hover over the notebook you want to archive in your workspace, click the ••• button on the right, and select Archive.
  • Delete a Notebook: Navigate to the archived notebooks section in your workspace, hover over the notebook you want to delete, click the ••• button on the right, and select Delete.
  • Duplicate a Notebook: Hover over the notebook you want to duplicate in your workspace, click the ••• button on the right, and select Duplicate.
  • Download a Notebook: Hover over the notebook you want to export in your workspace, click the ••• button, and select Download. To import a notebook, simply drag the .zip file into any Decipad workspace.

Manage Personal Settings

  • Personal Settings: Click on your profile icon or username in the workspace. There you can modify your username, enable dark mode and logout. Learn more about Account Settings

Manage Workspace Settings

  • Create New Workspace: Click the downward arrow next to your current workspace name and select "+ Create workspace" from the options. Choose a name for your new workspace and click "Create Workspace".
  • Rename Workspace: In Workspace settings, enter the new name for your workspace in the rename section. Click the red "Rename" button to confirm the update.
  • Delete Workspace: Go to Workspace settings and select the delete option. Confirm the deletion by clicking the red "Delete" button.

Invite and Manage Workspace Seats

Invite team members to your workspace and collaborate together.

  • Invite Members: Go to Workspace settings > Manage members and enter the email address of the team member you want to invite. Choose the appropriate access level (admin or editor) and click the invite button.
  • Manage Permissions: In Workspace settings > Manage members, use the access level picker next to a member's name to update their access level. To revoke access, click the three-dot menu next to the member's name and select the option to revoke access.

Note: Please note that currently, all notebooks created in a workspace are visible to everyone by default. We recommend being cautious about the sensitive information you include until fine-grained permissions are available.