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Embed Notebooks (Beta)

Add data insights or calculations to any webpage with Decipad embeds.

Embed Decipad Notebooks on other APPs

  1. Click the Share button at the top of your notebook to open the sharing menu.
  2. Select the Publish tab from the sharing menu and enable Anyone with the link can view. To hide blocks from embeds, use the option menu that appears when you hover over blocks and select Hide from reader.
  3. Go to the Embed tab in the sharing menu, and click Copy to get the embed link.
  4. Don't forget to republish your notebook when you make updates to ensure they show up in your embed.

Embed on Notion

Embed on

  • Open and create a new Doc.
  • Add a new "Embed everything" widget and paste the Decipad embed link.
  • Alternatively, use this button to install the Decipad Embedding app:
Add to

Embed on ClickUp

  • Open ClickUp and create a new Drashboard.
  • Add a new "Custom Embed" card and paste the Decipad embed link.

Embed on Webflow

  • Adapt this HTML code by replacing YOUR-DECIPAD-EMBED-LINK with the embed link you got from Decipad.
<iframe src="YOUR-DECIPAD-EMBED-LINK" width="100%" height="100%" frameBorder="0"></iframe>

Embed on Github Pages, replit or Vercel

  • Adapt this HTML code by replacing YOUR-DECIPAD-EMBED-LINK with the embed link you got from Decipad.
<iframe src="YOUR-DECIPAD-EMBED-LINK" width="100%" height="100%" frameBorder="0"></iframe>

Embed Decipad on a Custom Domain

  • We currently support embeds for custom domains on: Notion,, ClickUp and Webflow. Please reach out to to have your domain or website approved.

Request other apps

Don’t see an app you want to embed on? Please reach out to or use the Help Button at the bottom of your Decipad app to share your request and our team will try to accommodate.

Embeds not loading

Make sure you have third-party cookies enabled in your browser for Decipad embeds to work.