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Decipad Notebooks combine numbers and narrative to share insights on data.
Create a new notebook by clicking + New Notebook on the top right of your workspace.

Notebook Features

Notebook Blocks

On Decipad everything is a block, that you can combine to present and analyze your data.

  1. Add New Blocks: To add a new block, click the + button located next to an empty line. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcut by typing / on a new empty line. Select the desired block from the menu that appears.

  2. Delete Blocks: To delete a block, hover over the block and click the button that appears on its left. Choose Delete from the options.

  3. Move Blocks: To move a block, hold the button that appears on the left of the block, and drag the block to the desired position indicated by a blue line. You can stack side-by-side widgets, paragraphs, callouts, quotes, and images.

  4. Duplicate Blocks: To duplicate a block, hover over the block and click the button that appears, then select Duplicate.

  5. Hide Blocks from Notebook Readers: To hide a block from readers, select "Hide from reader". This will hide the block for collaborators with the "Reader" role, the pulished view, and when the document is embedded. The block will fade, and a hidden icon will appear on the left of the block.

  6. Transform Blocks: To transform a block, hover over the block and click the button that appears. Select "Turn into" to change the type of your block.

Notebook Layouts

Make your notebooks easier to read and navigate, place different types of blocks side by side and adjust their layout. Here’s how to create custom layouts:

  1. Add columns:  Drag a widget or text block next to another until a vertical line appears. Note that tables, embeds, and sketches cannot be arranged into columns. Alternatively, you can type /layout in an empty paragraph, select Layout from the menu, and choose a multi-column layout to start adding content.

  2. Adjust columns sizes: To adjust the columns sizes on your layout use the vertical spacers in between each column.

  3. Make blocks and layouts full-width:

  • For paragraphs: Click the  button on the left of the block, then select Full width.
  • For layouts: Hover over the layout stack and click the two-arrow icon next to the comment button.

Notebook Tabs

Organize your notebook blocks into separate tabs.

  1. Add Tabs: Click the Add tab button at the bottom of your notebooks. Choose a new name for your tab and press enter to confirm. To delete a tab, select it, click the dropdown next to its name, and choose Delete tab. To update the tab's icon, click on it and choose a new one. You can also reorder your tabs using Move tab in the dropdown menu.

  2. Move Blocks Between Tabs: Select the block or blocks you want to move. Click the button that appears on the left of the block selection. Choose Move to tab and select the new tab.

  3. Hide Tabs from Notebooks Readers Select the tab you want to hide. Click the dropdown next to its name. Choose Hide from readers. This will hide the tab for collaborators with the "Reader" role, the published view, and when the document is embedded.

Notebook Sidebar

Inspect your notebook data and add new blocks quickly using the notebook sidebar.

  1. Insert New Blocks: In the sidebar's Insert tab, you can view and search for all available blocks. Simply click the Sidebar button in the topbar to open the sidebar, then choose a block to quickly add it to your notebook.

  2. Inspect Variables: Use the sidebar's Data tab to view and search all notebook variables. Click the Sidebar button in the topbar to open the sidebar, then you can click them to inspect or edit or use the + New Variable button to create new calculations that are stored only in the sidebar, keeping your notebook organized.

Notebook Data Drawer

Quickly edit notebook variables or create new ones.

  1. Create Sidebar Variables: Open the sidebar and go to the Data tab. Click + New Variable to open the data drawer, where you can name the variable and edit its formula. These variables are stored in the sidebar, keeping your notebook clutter-free.

  2. Edit Notebook Variables: Open the sidebar and go to the Data tab. Search for the variable you want to modify and click on it. The data drawer will open, where you can update the variable’s name, adjust its formula, or delete it entirely from the notebook using Delete (Windows) or Backspace (Mac).

  3. Edit Inline Results: To edit inline results embedded in your notebook, simply click on the result. The data drawer will open, allowing you to edit any variable that appears as an inline result in the notebook.

Notebook Images

  1. To add images to your notebook, simply type /image in an empty paragraph and select Image from the menu that appears. This will open the image uploader.

  2. From there, you have several options:

    • Upload an image directly from your computer.
    • Paste a link to an image from the web.
    • Select GIFs from Giphy, Unsplash images, or generate AI images.