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Interactive Widgets

Widgets are interactive blocks that allow readers to explore your notebook assumptions.

Create a Widget

To create a new widget, click on the + button next to an empty line and select the type of widget you want to create from the dropdown menu. You can also create a widget with the keyboard by typing / on an empty paragraph, selecting the widget type using the arrow keys, and pressing enter.

  1. Update widgets name: When you create a new widget, it's assigned a default name, such as Input1 or Slider1. To update a widget name, replace the old name with a new one in the top left corner of the widget. This will make it easier to identify your widget.

  2. Update widget colors and icons. To change the widget's color and icon, click the pencil icon next to the widget name, and select a new color and icon from the menu.

  3. Place widgets side by side to save space. Hover over the widget you want to move, hold the button that appears on the left, and move the widget to the side of another widget. A blue vertical line should appear to confirm the new location. Release the button to place the widget in its new location.

Widget Types

There are several types of widgets you can add to your notebooks, including Inputs, Toggles, Dates, Sliders, Dropdowns, and Results.

  • Slider widgets allow you or your readers to use a slider to explore a range of options and visualize its effects on your model instantly. To create a new slider widget, click the + button next to an empty line, and select Slider from the menu. You can also update the slider range by clicking the ... button and updating the minimum, maximum, and step.

  • Dropdown widgets allow you to create lists of values that anyone can pick from. To create a new dropdown widget, click the + button next to an empty line, and select Dropdown from the menu. You can also add values to a dropdown by clicking Select, typing your first value, and pressing Enter. To edit or delete a dropdown value, click on the currently selected value to see the list, and then hover over any value to get the options to edit (pencil icon) or delete (trash icon).

  • Input widgets allow you or your readers to update a number in your notebook. To create a new input widget, click the + button next to an empty line, and select Input from the menu.

  • Toggle widgets allow you or your readers to switch between on and off in your notebook. To create a new toggle widget, click the + button next to an empty line, and select Toggle from the menu.

  • Date widgets allow you or your readers to pick a date in your notebook. To create a new date widget, click the + button next to an empty line, and select Date from the menu. You can also update the date widget range by clicking the ... button, selecting Change type, and picking a range from Year, Month, Date, or Time.

  • Result widgets allow you to highlight any result on your notebook. To create an empty result widget, click the + button next to an empty line, and select Result from the menu. Once placed, click the dropdown selector to pick a result to display. You can also create a result widget with a calculation result by clicking any result on the right side of a calculation block, and a result widget with that value will appear in your notebook.