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Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts can significantly improve your editing and writing speed in Decipad.

Shortcuts to Create Blocks

  • Heading: Type # followed by a space.
  • Sub-heading: Type ## followed by a space.
  • Calculations Block: Type = or ``` followed by a space.
  • Bullet List: Type - or * followed by a space.
  • Numbered List: Type 1. followed by a space.
  • Block Quote: Type > followed by a space.
  • Callout: Type >! followed by a space.
  • Divider: Type --- followed by a space.

Shortcuts to Format Text

  • Italic: Wrap words between * or _.
  • Bold: Wrap words between **.
  • Strike-through: Wrap words between ~~.
  • Highlight: Wrap words between ==.
  • Inline Code: Wrap words between `.
  • Spoilers: Wrap text between ||.
  • Link: Use the notation [link name](url).
  • Image: Use the notation ![Alt text](image URL).