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What is a Block?

A block is everything you can add to a Decipad notebook.
Some of the available blocks are tables, images, paragraphs, calculations and widgets.

Add a Block

To add a new block to your notebook:


  1. Click the + button next to an empty line,
  2. Select any block from the menu.

Alternatively, to add a block with the keyboard, open up the block menu by typing / on a new empty like and write the name of the block. Press Enter to select and add the block to your notebook.

Move a Block

Rearrange all blocks in the notebook.

To move a block on your notebook:

  1. Hover the block you want to move,
  2. Hold the button that appears on the left and move the block to the place you desire. See where the block can be placed when a blue line appears.
  3. Let go of the button when you find a new spot for your block.

Delete a Block

  • To delete a block, hover the block you want to delete, click the button that appears on the left, and then click Delete.

Duplicate a Block

  • To duplicate a block, hover the block you want to duplicate. Click the button that appears on the left and select Duplicate.

Hide a Block from a Reader

Hide blocks from readers when you publish your notebook.

  • To hide a block from a reader, hover the block you want to hide. Click the button that appears on the left and select Hide from reader.
    Notice how your block fades and a new hidden icon appears on the left of the block.

  • To show a block to the reader again, hover the block you want to show. Click the button that appears on the left and select Show to reader.
    Notice how the hidden icon disappears.

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