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Learn about terms and references commonly used in the documentation.


An argument is a variable that affects a function's result.

Binary operator

A binary operator is an operator that operates on two operands and manipulates them to return a result.


A Boolean is a data type with two possible values: true or false.

Calculations block

The calculations block is the place where you can type numbers and perform operations in a more natural way, powered by the Decipad language. In the calculations block, you can type numbers, units, variables, functions, as well as create tables.


A conditional statement or conditional is an if-then-else statement.

Decipad language

The language is how you interact and use data in a calculations block.


A dimension is a category that can be broken down into different items.


Exponentiation is the mathematical operation of raising a quantity to a power.


An expression is a combination of numbers, variables, functions such as +, -, *, etc.


A function is a block of reusable Decipad language used to perform a set of operations.


An integer is a whole number, not a fractional number, that can be positive, negative or 0.


Lookup is a pre-built function that can be used to access values in a table to be used in further calculations.


A notebook is a place where narrative and data coexist.


An operand is a number or quantity upon which a mathematical operation is performed.


An operator is a symbol used to perform a mathematical operation.


A string is a data type used to represent text.

Text block

A text block is a paragraph of text with different text styling options.


A unit is any type of measurement. The Decipad language understands some units and knows how to convert between units of that same quantity. Units can be simple and composed.


A variable is a way to store a value in a name, which can then be used in further calculations. Declaring a variable is assigning it a value using the = operator.


Widgets are no code blocks you can place on your notebooks. Everyone with access will be able to update them and check how it affects the model.