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Formulas for Tables

Built-in functions that operate on tables.

Table lookups - lookup()

The lookup() formula lets you access rows and values from a table to inspect or reuse.

Syntax: lookup( Table, Table Column Condition )

  • Table specifies your target table.
  • Table Column Condition defines a searching condition to match.

Let's explore an example where we select the Rent Amount from the Expenses table.


1. Select a table row

To select a table row, use the formula lookup() on a calculation block, where you specify the table name on the first parameter and the condition to search on the second one.

lookup lookup

  • In the first parameter specify the table name. In this example, the table Expenses.
  • In the second parameter specify a condition to match the table column. In this example, the row where Expenses.Item is equal to "Rent".

2. Select a value from a row

To select a value from a row, add a dot . at the end of the formula lookup() with the name of the column you want to select.


On this example we specify .Amount to select $1,500.

Filter a table - filter()

The filter() formula lets you filter the values from a table.

Syntax: filter( Table, Table Column Condition )

  • Table specifies your target table.
  • Table Column Condition defines a searching condition to match.

lookup lookup

In this example, two rows are returned, since both match Expense.Amount less or equal to $500.

Reorder table rows

Sort table rows by column - sortby()

The sortby() formula lets you reorder table rows based on any column.

Syntax: sorby( Table, Table Column )

  • Table specifies your target table.
  • Table Column defines the column.

lookup lookup

Notice how in this example, the returned table has its rows ordered by Expenses.Item.

Reverse table rows order - reverse()

The reverse() formula reverts the order of your table rows.

Syntax: reverse( Table)

  • Table specifies the table to revert.

lookup lookup

Notice how in this example, the returned table has its rows order reversed, compared to the original table.