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Formulas for Finance

Built-in functions that help you explore investments and loans.


Syntax: compound( Rate, Number of Periods)

This formula helps you calculate the compound rate of a given Number of Periods based on a constant Rate.

Future Value

Syntax: futurevalue( Rate, Number of Periods , Initial Amount )
Alternative Syntax: fv( Rate, Number of Periods , Initial Amount )

This formula helps you calculate the Future Value of an investment based on the total Number of Periods (periodic payments, or a single lump sum payment) and Initial Amount given a constant interest Rate.

Net Present Value

Syntax: netpresentvalue( Discount Rate, Future Cashflows List or Column )
Alternative Syntax: npv( Discount Rate, Future Cashflows List or Column )

This formula helps you calculate the Net Present Value of an investment based on a List or Column of Periodic Cash Flows and a Discount Rate.

Payment Amounts

Syntax: paymentamounts( Rate, Number of Periods, Amount )
Alternative Syntax: pmt( Rate, Number of Periods, Amount )

This formula helps you calculate the anual Payment Amount of a loan based on the borrowed Amount, the Number of Periods of repayment and a constant interest Rate.