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Formulas for Numbers

Decipad has a collection pre-built formulas that help you work with numbers.
You can use these formulas with tables, formulas and Decipad Advanced Formula blocks.

Rounding numbers

Round a number - round()

The round() formula gives you a rounded version of a number. Optionally, you can specify the number of decimal places.

Syntax: round( Number, Optional Decimal Precision)

round formula

Round a number up - roundup() / ceil()

Rounds the number to the nearest largest integer or number with the given decimal places.

Syntax: roundup( Number, Optional Decimal Precision )

Alternative Syntax: ceil( Number, Optional Decimal Precision )

Round a number down - rounddown() / floor()

Rounds the number to the nearest smallest integer or number with the given decimal places.

Syntax: roundown( Number, Optional Decimal Precision )

Alternative Syntax: floor( Number, Optional Decimal Precision )

Square root - sqrt()

The sqrt() formula gives you the square root of your number.

Syntax: sqrt( Number )

Take a look at this example, 3 feet is the square root of 9 square feet.

sqroot formula

Get an absolute number - abs()

The abs() formula gives you the absolute value of a number.
It is useful when you need to remove the negative sign from a number. If your number is positive or zero, it stays the same. If it's negative, it removes the negative sign.

Syntax: abs( Number )

Take a look at this example, 20$ is the absolute value of -$20.

abs formula

Take a look at this practical example, where you check how much money you would need to get a positive balance back.

abs formula

Trignometric formulas

Trigonometric formulas relate an angle of a righ-angled triangle with the ratios of two side lengths. Decipad supports adians and degrees. These can be used to triangulate distances for example.

sin() / asin()

cos() / acos()

tan() / atan()

Calculate a factorial - factorial()

Compute factorials with the factorial() formula. Factorials are commonly used with probabilities.

Natural logarithm - ln()

The ln() formula gives you the natural logarithmic of a number.

Syntax: ln( Number )