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Language Errors

Cannot convert between units


Don't know how to convert between units cup and grams

You will get this error message when you cannot convert between units.

This is because cup is a volume, and kg is mass. So the question is how many

So for a liter of water we have:

Column contains inconsistent type


Column cannot contain both ft and centimeters

We don't support having multiple types in the same column.

You can organise them in different columns:

Expected unit


This operation requires compatible units

You cannot add incompatible types.

You can also get this error if you try to perform an operation in incompatible units

This is because different months have different amounts of days.

Expected but got


This operation requires a range and a number was entered

You are calling a function, or using an operator, with a wrong argument. For instance in the formula below we are mixing a boolean and a number.

Expected primitive


This operation requires a primitive value (string, number, boolean or date) and a table was entered

You are trying to use an operation that requires a primitive value, for example searching a matrix. To solve this you need to pass in a primitive value, such as a string, number, boolean, or date.

Complex expression in exponent


The exponent must be a simple expression

The power component in an exponentiation can only be a simple expression (a number or expression composed of built-in functions).

Sequence step must not be zero


The step value on a sequence must not be zero

A sequence can have an optional argument specifying its step, which cannot be zero.

Invalid step in sequence

The step of a sequence must be compatible with the sequence

If you specify a step for an ascending sequence, it must be positive. If you specify a step for a descending sequence, it must be negative.

Expected arg count


The function add requires 2 parameters and 1 parameters were entered

You are calling the function but you are providing the wrong number of arguments

You can fix it by providing the missing argument:

Bad overloaded builtin call


The function + cannot be called with (string, years)

You probably made an error while typing, and Decipad cannot calculate that operation:

You can fix it by providing fixing the typo:

Mismatched Specificity


Expected time specific up to the year, but got day

You are trying to do an operation on a date with a different granularity.

But adding a year works:

If you want to add a day you need to define the granularity of your date at that level:

You can fix it by providing fixing the typo:

Formula Cannot Call Itself


MyFormula() cannot be used in its own definition

You are trying to call a formula inside the definition for the formula.

This is not supported.

Expected table and associated column


Expected table and associated column

You passed a column that's not associated with that table.

When creating a table, its columns are inherently associated with it. Functions such as sortby need this association.

Make sure this association exists by using a table, and then its column.

Duplicated table column


The column NameOfTheColumn already exists in this table

Table column names must be unique. This error appears when you're attempting to add a column to a table, like for instance:

Table = { Names = ["Anna", "Kate"] } Table.Names = ["Other", "Names"]

You need to choose another name for your new column:

Syntax error


Syntax Error

The calculation you wrote is not valid in the language.

You may have miss-spelled something, or even tried to insert data in a way that is not supported yet:

Final Cost = 8000 € Final_Cost = 8000 €

doesn't work because variables for now can't use spaces, symbols, and they are case sensitive.

1==2 ? 10 : 20

doesn't work because that is not the right syntax for an if.. then.. else statement.

Or you might have inputted data in a way we don't support (yet)

money = 8,000 $ dinheiro = 8.000,00 € quid = £8,000.00

The correct calculation would be:

Duplicated name


This name is already being used. You cannot have duplicated names

You named two variables with the same name. One of the biggest advantages of Decipad is how descriptive it is. Your reader will probably feel like they can truly understand your thought process.

A big part of that is the name you give to your calculations. So, while in a hurry you might just want to call everything Monies or Funds, which makes it quite confusing to those reading.

So we require you to use descriptive names for your variables, to make your notebooks easier to understand.

You can fix it by providing descriptive variable names:

Missing formula


The formula MyFormula() does not exist

You attempted to call a formula that isn't available. It might be just a typo, or you forgot to add a custom formula of your own.

You can fix it by creating the formula: