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Define a Date

Decipad tries to capture time in a natural way for people.

Time granularity

A time value has a granularity, which can be a year, a month, a day, or a specific time. In Decipad this time value has the granularity of a day:

You can specify a time value to the hour:

Or to the minute:

A time value can have any of the following granularities:

  • year
  • month
  • day
  • time


You can then inquire if a certain time value is within another:


You can add a time duration to a date:

Or subtract two dates to get a time duration:

Time conversions

Unlike other units, in units of time different units might have different base.

For example, some years have 365 days while other years have 366. May has 31 days, June 29.

That means that Decipad cannot convert months into weeks:

You can create a custom unit, in case you know how many days the specific month has:

Or, if you want to use the average amount of days that exist in a month:

However, you need to be mindful. Now, year is defined as a number of days. So you can't convert a year into a decade for example:

But you still can convert a decade into years, since the definition of decade is unchanged and it will ignore your user defined year.

Formulas on dates

Here is a list of all the functions that work on dates. Read more on sequences and how they work with time.