New Features
Table Calculations.
You can now perform calculations directly without having to create a separate calculation block. To use formulas in tables, just type “=” in a cell, or use the menu to change the column type to formula. Don’t worry, creating tables with the language is still available to anyone who needs extra power.
We’ve also added smart rows to make quick calculations easier to perform, some examples are sum()
and average()
Hiding Blocks - Now you can hide blocks when you share your notebooks for an improved reading experience. These blocks will still be available if someone duplicates your notebook
New language syntax for decision tables - Taxes, Sales Commissions are now easier to create and read. Learn more here:
Chart Image - Calculation blocks now display a small chart image on custom formulas for improved readability.
Factorials - We now support factorials on the language (factorial()
Fixes and Improvements
- Better number support (25000$ → $25K)
- Results now default to a human-readable format: 1,000→ 1 thousand, and 1,000,000 → 1 million. When you drag results into your text, they will also be easier to read. Roll-over to see the precise result. Soon, you will be able to customize the formatting based on your needs.
- Better support for percentages. (5% + 10% → 15%)
- Insert an image to your notebook by simply pasting a link.
- Fix double menu tip on paragraphs.
- Several tables bug fixes.