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48 posts tagged with "Fixed and Improved"

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New Features

Result Widget that lets you highlight any result on your Notebook.

Collapsable Tables, so they take less space on your notebook.

+ Button to add new blocks to your notebook (in addition to the slash / command shortcut)

Toggle Widget so anyone can update a boolean.

Date Picker Widget so anyone can input dates faster.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Notebooks now load faster for readers.
  • We improved the layout and alignment of blocks. It looks a lot cleaner!
  • Calculations blocks can now be stacked together.
  • You can now reorder widgets individually and place different types of widgets side-by-side.
  • Notebook blocks no longer duplicate themselves randomly.
  • A shared notebook now displays the latest changes.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Longer table formulas fit better inside the formula bar.
  • You can now easily update dates on tables and widgets with a date picker.
  • You can now display any value as a percentage using in % in your calculations. This is handy for situations where you want to display calculation results in a percentage format. Take a look at this party budget table. The last column shows the budget usage in percentage.
  • Widgets now show data types, just like tables already do. This will make it easier for you and the reader to know what each widget represents. You can change the widget data type on the menu. Data types include Numbers, Formulas, Text, Dates and Checkboxes.
  • Using decimal places on tables no longer removes the units
  • Autocomplete for table columns names no longer adds extra words

New Features

Currencies on tables. We've added a new column menu to specify currencies on a table quickly.

Table cell navigation with keys. Use tab to navigate across columns, return/enter to navigate across rows, and the arrow keys to move in any direction.

Flexible ways of inputting numbers on tables. Add numbers to columns in any way you want, as long as they are compatible. For numbers to be compatible, they need to share the same unit or be able to be converted between each other.

Fixes and Improvements

  • You can now use percentages on tables, making them easier to read.
  • Hovering number names on calculations now display their correct values.
  • Smart rows on tables now work as intended. You can no longer place text there.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Better time formatting on calculations. For example, 1.9 days = 1d 21h 36m
  • Better looking sign-in emails ✨
  • Meet Decipad notebook updated for new users
  • Column menus on tables no longer overlap
  • Notebooks don’t jump when interacting with tables
  • Series and Time data types from columns now show as selected on the menu

Fixes and Improvements

  • Sliders and Input Widgets now have default names
  • When a block crashes, you can revert the action, so you don’t lose important information
  • You can now drag cell values from a display table to your text
  • We moved the option to delete table rows to the drag handle
  • We’ve updated the button to add new table columns