We're thrilled to bring you our latest update: improved layouts in Decipad. These enhancements are designed to make your notebook experience smoother, more organized, and visually appealing:
Full-Width Blocks: Enjoy a more streamlined and flexible experience with the option to use full-width blocks in your notebooks. This option eliminates excessive scrolling and reduces unnecessary whitespace, making it easier to read and navigate large models.
Multiple Column Layouts: Use your notebook to create powerful dashboards with the ability to arrange blocks, including input and result widgets, into multiple columns.
Customizable Widget Sizes: Achieve greater control over your notebook layout with adjustable widget sizes. When using multiple columns, you can now resize input and result widgets to fit your specific needs.
Learn more about Notebook Layouts
Fixes and Improvements
- Increased the margins in notebooks to reduce unnecessary whitespace.
- Removed the shortcut that allowed converting a number from paragraphs into inline results, making it accessible via a calculation.
- Fixed an issue where new notebooks wouldn’t start with the block sidebar open.
- Resolved an issue preventing updates to published notebooks.
- Fixed the lookup formula issue when working with dates and data views.
- Fixed an issue where published notebooks stopped loading.