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48 posts tagged with "Fixed and Improved"

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Notebook Sidebar

We have introduced a new sidebar for notebooks that offers the following features:

  • Improved Block Insertion: You now have the convenience of searching for and inserting new blocks into your notebook using the "+Insert" tab. This offers an alternative method to the existing / slash command for block insertion.
  • Effortless Notebook Results: The "Data" tab has replaced the previous number's catalog. With this new tab, you can easily search for desired results and drag & drop them directly into your notebook.
  • Hide Sidebar Option: To optimize your workspace, we have included a sidebar toggle on the top bar. This allows you to hide the sidebar when it's not in use, providing you with a clutter-free environment.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Loading time improved for data views.

Important Notice:
Potential Impact on Your Notebooks with Upcoming Upgrade

This upgrade may affect some of your existing work but is necessary to enable improved modeling flexibility in the future.

The following features may be affected by this upgrade:

  • References to columns that have the same name as a global variable.
  • Any calculations, charts, or data views that depend on these results.

If any notebooks break due to the upgrade, our support team is ready to assist you. Please contact us at or click the help button in the bottom corner of your notebook.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Notebooks UI: Notebooks now have a consistent design for tables and calculations, using the same colors for variable names. The notebook colors have also been adjusted to be less distracting when working with numbers.
  • Notebook Crashes: Fixed issues where notebooks would crash when using the lookup() function and redefining existing variables.
  • Autocomplete Fixed: Fixed an issue where certain variable types were missing from the autocomplete feature.
  • Dimensions: Fixed labels for tables with dimensions and pagination.
  • Transforming Blocks: Fixed a bug where the "Turn into" options were not working properly.

Important Notice:
Potential Impact on Your Notebooks with Upcoming Upgrade

We're planning an upgrade to the language engine on July 6th.
This upgrade may have an impact on some of your existing work and is essential to unlock enhanced flexibility for modeling in the future.

Here are the features that may be affected by this upgrade:

  • References to columns which share the same name as a global variable.
  • Any calculations, charts or data views that rely on these results.

If any notebooks break due to the upgrade, our support team is ready to assist you. Just reach out to us at or click the help button on the bottom corner of your notebook.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Charts Improvements:

    • Improved Settings Menu: Optimized the settings menu to occupy less space in your notebook.
    • New Chart Captions: Added captions field so you can provide context for visualizations.
    • Fixed Scatter and Line Charts: Scatter and line charts that rely on series now display plots instead of empty grids.
  • Tables Improvements:

    • Enhanced Formulas Drawer: Improved the formulas drawer to ensure consistent variable names with the bubbles throughout the notebook.
    • Resolved Empty Column Formulas: Fixed an issue where empty column formulas would display errors.
    • Fixed Formulas on Columns: Formulas on columns now work correctly for all rows, not just the first row.
  • Data Views Improvements:

    • Updated Data View Icons: Enhanced the appearance of icons for data view controls.
    • Fixed Reordering Data View Columns: Buttons now function properly when reordering data view columns.
  • Fixed Toggle State: The toggle state is now correctly maintained when transforming a formula block into a toggle.

  • Improved Crash Containment: Implemented a better system to contain block crashes within notebooks, preventing loss of access to the entire notebook.

  • Enhanced Language System Performance: Optimized the performance of the language system by improving internal search algorithms for larger notebooks.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Toggle Widget Update: The display text of the toggle widget has been revised to show "true" and "false" instead of "On" and "Off" to align with the Decipad language.
  • Enhanced Data Views: The "Round" option has been renamed to "Cluster," allowing you to modify the formatting of specific numbers or dates.
  • Improved Column Drag and Drop: The interaction for dragging and dropping columns in both tables and data views has been refined, offering a smoother experience with consistent animations.
  • The search functionality in workspaces has been fixed. You can now search by typing just the first letter of a particular notebook.
  • Clicking on a section in the numbers catalog will now smoothly scroll it into view without refreshing your notebook unnecessarily.
  • Fixed a bug where performing calculations with small exponents would cause the notebook to crash.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Upload .CSV files: Easily add .CSV files by dragging and dropping them into a notebook or using the "/csv" command on an empty paragraph.
  • Upload images: Conveniently add images to your notebook by dragging and dropping them or using the "/image" command on an empty paragraph.
  • Onboarding flow improvements:
    • Resolved a long delay issue on the login screen.
    • Fixed an error when selecting a username that starts with a capital letter.
  • Table enhancements:
    • Improved table dimensions for complex scenarios.
    • Better reordering animations for columns and rows.
    • Enabled removal of columns with errors.
    • Enhanced the button for converting the first row from imports into table headers.
    • Updated the hiding tables button icon to match the action.
  • Code integration enhancements:
    • Fixed the layout issue caused by long tables in the code integration preview UI.
    • Added support for custom units in code integrations.