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Update Apr 17

Improvements to Table & Column Names

We are working on making renaming tables and columns easier.

Important: these changes may result in select formulas breaking in older notebooks, especially if they contain a table that has the same name as one of its columns

Any notebooks impacted by this change can be fixed by renaming the original table or column and rewriting the impacted calculations.

For new notebooks, any changes made to table or column names will automatically update all calculations that use those names.

You can also each out to our team using the help button and we will walk you through it.

Fixes and Improvements

  • Improvements have been made to Charts:
    • You can now overlap two charts by selecting different columns to display using the two new value options in your setting menu.
    • Charts on mobile devices are now responsive.
  • Tables have also received some upgrades:
    • Long tables can now be imported with navigation pages, which take up less space in your notebook while still allowing you to explore all rows.
    • Table performance has been improved, enabling you to create larger tables while maintaining performance.
  • Drag and drop variable names to reuse them, eliminating the need to type them repeatedly in calculations or text.
  • Autocomplete link to docs has been fixed for Chrome.