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Functions List

Here you can find all functions supported on Decipad.

Date Functions

contains[Range] contains [Date]Checks if a specific date is within a given range.
pick()pick(Date, [year/month/day])Extracts the year, month, or day from a given date.
round()round(Date, [year/month/day])Adjusts the precision of a date. It is useful when you want to perform calculations based on the month or year instead of a specific day.

Finance Functions

compoundrate()compoundrate(Rate, Number of Periods)Calculates the compound rate over a specified number of periods based on a constant rate.
futurevalue()futurevalue(Rate, Number of Periods, Initial Amount)Calculates the future value of an investment considering the total number of periods, initial amount, and a constant interest rate.
netpresentvalue()netpresentvalue(Discount Rate, Future Cashflows Column)Calculates the net present value of an investment based on a list or column of periodic cash flows and a discount rate.
paymentamounts()paymentamounts(Rate, Number of Periods, Amount)Calculates the annual payment amount of a loan considering the borrowed amount, the number of repayment periods, and a constant interest rate.

Number Functions

abs()abs(Number)Returns the absolute value of a number, removing the negative sign if present.
acos()acos(Angle)Computes trigonometric functions for angles.
asin()asin(Angle)Computes trigonometric functions for angles.
atan()atan(Angle)Computes trigonometric functions for angles.
cos()cos(Angle)Computes trigonometric functions for angles.
ceil()ceil(Number, [Precision])Rounds up a number to a specified number of decimal places or to the nearest whole number.
factorial()factorial(Number)Computes factorials, which are commonly used in probability calculations.
floor()floor(Number, [Precision])Rounds down a number to a specified number of decimal places or to the nearest whole number.
getunit()getunit(Number)Retrieves the units of a given number.
ln()ln(Number)Calculates the natural logarithm of a given number.
mod[Number] mod [Number]Calculates the remainder when one number is divided by another.
round()round(Number, [Precision])Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places or to the nearest whole number.
rounddown()rounddown(Number, [Precision])Rounds down a number to a specified number of decimal places or to the nearest whole number.
roundup()roundup(Number, [Precision])Rounds up a number to a specified number of decimal places or to the nearest whole number.
precision()precision(Number, [Precision])Rounds a number to a specified number of decimal places or to the nearest whole number.
sin()sin(Angle)Computes trigonometric functions for angles.
sqrt()sqrt(Number)Calculates the square root of a given number.
stripunit()stripunit(Number)Removes the units from a number, allowing you to work with the numbers alone.
tan()tan(Angle)Computes trigonometric functions for angles.

Table Functions

average()average(Column)Calculates the average of a column.
averageif()average(Column, Column Condition)Calculates the average of a column given a condition.
avg()avg(Column)Calculates the average of a column.
avgif()avgif(Column)Calculates the average of a column given a condition.
cat()cat(Table, Table)Combines two tables into a new table.
concatenate()concatenate(Table, Table)Combines two tables into a new table.
count()count(Column)Counts the number of rows in a column.
countif()countif(Column, Column Condition)Counts the number of rows in a column given a condition.
filter()filter(Table, Condition)Filters table rows based on a condition.
first()first(Column)Extracts the first element from a column.
grab()grab(Table, Condition)Filters table rows based on a condition.
grow()grow(Initial, Rate, Column)Calculates the compound growth of an initial value across rows.
lag()lag(InitialValue, [Column])References the previous value within a table.
last()last(Table.Column)Extracts the last element from a column.
lookup()lookup(Table, Condition)Finds a row that matches a condition from a table.
max()max(Column)Calculates the largest number from a column of numbers or the most recent date from a column of dates.
mean()mean(Column)Calculates the average of a column.
median()median(Column)Calculates the median of a column.
min()min(Column)Calculates the smallest number from a column of numbers or the earliest date from a column of dates.
len()len(Column)Counts the number of rows in a column.
previous()previous(InitialValue, [Column])References the previous value within a table.
reverse()reverse(Table)Reverses the order of rows or a single column.
stddev()stddev(Column)Calculates the standard deviation of a column.
sort()sort(Column)Reorders a column in ascending order.
stepgrowth()stepgrowth(Column)Calculates the change between values in a column.
sum()sum(Column)Calculates the sum of a column.
sumif()sumif(Column, Condition)Calculates the sum of a column given a condition.
total()total(Column)Calculates the sum of a column.
trend()tren(Column)Calculates the percentage inscrease of a column.
unique()unique(Column)Extracts the unique values from a column.
variance()variance(Column)Calculates the standard deviation of a column.